
Step 3 – Learning styles

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Are you ready for the Learning Circles?

It is important to understand your preferred learning phase or learning style for two reasons: to put salt and pepper for a better taste and enjoyment of a learning experience AND to understand what you dislike and make a conscious effort in order to take full advantage of the learning process, without potential distortions.

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Take step back now and analyze yourself.

If you answered YES to all 7 items from a certain learning style, it means that you have a strong preference for that particular style. Just one or two items answered YES mean that you dislike it and need to make a conscious effort to go through that learning phase it in order to get optimal results from a learning experience.

So, what is your learning style?

How may all these help you during a learning circle:

  1. Be aware of your learning style and the style of others;
  2. Make sure that the activities proposed by the group are in line with your preferred learning style;
  3. Make an effort to attend the activities that are not in line with your liking and treat yourself with a small reward when you can do it;
  4. Ask for help where you can’t find the motivation to attend, reflect, conclude or plan.

You are ready now!

In order to have a great experience as part of the learning circle, we have provided you some basic information on your readiness to use technology, vocational interest and learning style. You have the resources, the place and the means – but most important of all, you need that crazy curiosity to discover the amazing things happening on this tiny blue planet, its people and places. Find the circle that fits you and good luck in this endeavor!

Now go to https://www.p2pu.org/en/ and choose your Learning Circle!

Discover more about Learning Circles and become a facilitator!

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