
Step 1 – Technology readiness

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Are you ready for the Learning Circles?

In the video below we explain why it is important to check to what extent you are ready to use technology. We ask a few questions that can be answered “YES” or “NO”.

Depending on the number of yes-es or no-s you may figure out how optimistic, prepared or discomforted you feel about doing online activities.

Watch the video:

Do the short test

Download the PDF with questions.


Take step back now and ask yourself:

  • Why have you provided those answers?
  • Is there anything that has to do with your values, your lack of knowledge? Or it has to do with bad experiences from the past?
  • Is there anyone you may ask – either in your learning circle or the librarian, or consult in order to clarify your fears or discomforts?

So, how technologically ready are you?

If you are a frequent user of internet, either on your phone, tablet of computer you can rest assured that you have all the skills needed to attend a learning circle. Also, keep in mind that if you experience hardship, you can always ask a fellow member or the librarian. As for the benefits of internet and online education, just give it a try and see how it works, check additional resources and ultimately, why not, borrow a book.

Proceed with the course

Go to step 2: Vocational interests

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