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The Progress Foundation organizes within the CODE Kids project – Children are coding in public libraries, with the support of CEZ Vanzare, the GREEN TECH APP contest, in order to familiarize children between 10 to 14 years old with concepts related to technology and green energy.

What do green technology and energy have in common? The power to protect the planet!

And children have an important mission in achieving this goal! Therefore, the GREEN TECH APP contest challenges them to create smartphone applications that focus on the potential of renewable energy.

The contest involves creating a mobile application in MIT AppInventor. Theme: Green Energy

What can you register in the contest?

  • a quiz/trivia;
  • an News type app or
  • an educational app

Fill in the registration form

The form

Competition’s schedule:

  • 03 October 2020 – Start the registrations
  • 1 November 2020, 23:59 hours – Deadline for registering the apps
  • 2-10 November 2020 – Apps’ assessment
  • 11 November 2020 – Announcing the winners


First place – a laptop with a value between 2,400 to 2,600 lei

Second place – a tablet with a value between 1,100 to 1,300 lei

Third place – a robotic kit with a value between 700 to 900 lei

Read the rules of the GREEN TECH APP contest!

The rules

Annex competitionextension

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Calea Plevnei Nr. 29, Et. 1, Ap. 3, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010221


Email: office@progressfoundation.ro

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Progress Foundation