On the 13th of July, Vâlcea County coding clubs mode together to come to „Antim Ivireanul” County Library Vâlcea to meet Ionuț Budișteanu, programmer and inventor from Vâlcea County. Little programmers’ curiosity was huge and they’ve been eager to find out how Ionuț became one on the most well-known Romanians programmers. Moreover, Ionuț gave them […]
On the 3rd and 4th of July, Progress Foundation facilitated “Volunteers management” workshop from National Center for Librarians Professional Excellency in Chisinau, through the participation of dr. Camelia Crișan. This event aimed at providing the necessary tools to participants which could help in analyzing community issues and finding solutions to solve them. Tackled subjects during […]
New partner stands in Coding for Kids in Libraries – CODE Kid and that is Gameloft programming company. Gameloft employees will volunteer as mentors for over 400 youth members of public libraries’ coding clubs. They will give children support in tasks solving and guide them towards programming abilities development. We are happy to have them […]
It’s spring! The Third Place project already took root in 7 cities and soon the first democracy nests will be arranged for active citizens! We’ve got practice-proven tools, we’ve got the know-how of the first stage and we certainly have a feasible project model! Now we’re looking for another 7 county libraries with which to […]
Do you live in Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Deva, Suceava or Targu-Jiu? Are you a NGO member, media representative or citizen willing to get involved in his/her community? Do you like our project idea and want to be the one who will participate in its implementation?
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