The „Ioan N. Roman” County Library of Constanta has opened the CODE Kids programming club and has not one, but five groups of beginners. 77 children have signed up to learn the mysteries of coding and robotics. A number straight out of fairy tales. Even the space in which the students work shows that their […]
Dear friends, library professionals, partners and citizens of the world, Our organization is watching with great concern the situation that continues to deteriorate in Ukraine. We must say that, at the beginning of our journey, when we first started to collaborate with libraries, CSOs, and other types of organizations that are neighboring us, in the […]
Salvează data: iunie 2022! Te invităm la București pentru a doua ediție a conferinței internaționale pentru bibliotecari, Occupy Library – The E+Libraries Extravaganza! Pentru că bibliotecile au un rol important în drumul nostru către o lume sustenabilă, următoarea ediție a conferinței se va afla sub semnul E+Libraries. Acest „E+” face referire la un mod ECOLOGIC/ […]
Libraries grow communities, 23 April, 10:00 – 12:00 | Librarian Day in Romania| World Book Day “When in doubt, go to the library.” What does the library mean to a community? Place of learning and information. Source of inspiration. The place where you find support or encouragement. Socialization opportunities. Generator of ideas and projects that support […]
Notable representatives met and shared innovative ideas for the development of public libraries and local communities at the Librarians for Tomorrow event! The two-day online conference, organized by the Progress Foundation in partnership with the Goethe Institute in Bucharest, brought together presentations of modern projects from public libraries in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, […]
The Progress Foundation in partnership with the Goethe Institute Bucharest invites you to the online event “Librarians for Tomorrow”, on March 24 and 25, 2021, between 10:00 to 13:00. Special guest: Dr. Hannelore Vogt, director of Cologne Public Library, one of the largest library systems in Germany and a debate based on her speech at the […]
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