Tag Archives: Growing Active Citizens HUBS


Change-makers from the Black Sea Region meet at Growing Active Citizens HUBs Network Session!

Categories //News

Library and NGO professionals from the Black Sea Region let the world be inspired by their stories and have learned new, innovative insights! Fellow change-makers from the region met and started to create a network of change, during Who’s Who In The Black Sea Region – Libraries & NGOs, together for stronger communities.  On the […]


Creating Innovative Partnerships – Growing Active Citizens HUBs

Categories //News, Projects, Uncategorized

Progress Foundation started a new international project, that supports the partnerships between CSOs & public libraries from the East of Europe region.

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Design of a wellbeing camp...


For those of you interested in...

Wellbeing camp for CSO wor...


Thinking of a design for a wel...

News for our Ukrainian par...


At Progress Foundation, we hav...

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