Școala de Reporteri SDG, the project aimed to motivate and educate the children living in the rural environment in order to produce (audio, video and text) content for their communities, has come to an end with impressive results.
The partners who supported the project were librarians from 25 libraries involved. Each club was formed by a librarian and two reporters. In those 3 months of activity, the children had to solve 3 challenges, which covered the ONU 17 Global Objectives included on the 20130 agenda. Young reporters made their first article, their first podcast and their first event, all related to Global Goals.
The project was implemented in 4 counties from Romania (Sălaj, Gorj, Neamţ and Vrancea), where 50 children aged between 10 and 14 years learned to create content (Salaj, Gorj, Neamţ and Vrancea) for their communities. They have made over 40 podcasts to promote: Global Objective 13 – Climate Change, over 20 videos through which they have promoted the Global Goal 4 – Quality Education, 19 events with over 400 guests and have created vlog type challenges that have reached over 50,000 views. More details about the materials created by them found on the project web page: http://scoaladereporteri.progressfoundation.ro/
“Every child from Romania deserves the opportunity to understand how he can make a change in the community. And we can offer this opportunity through the projects we implement and create for the new generation. “Școala de Reporteri SDG” is an unique project in Romania. 50 children from 4 counties research, write and create content that promotes Global Goals. Their speech is improved, they have new arguments and questions.” Alin-Gabriel Grămescu, Project Manager Școala de Reporteri SDG.
The project „Towards open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world – EU Presidency Project 2019-2021 is co-financed by European Union and implemented by FINGO Organization from Finland, in partnership with Federation of Nongovernmental Development Organizations
(FOND Romania), CROSOL platform (Croația) amd European Confederation of NGO`s for development – CONCORD.