Ora să ȘTIM / STEM Hour

It’s Ora să ȘTIM/STEM Hour! Here is the place where education meets fun! We stimulate children’s creativity and intelligence! We read aloud and perform scientific experiments together with children! ⚗️🎨🌈👩‍🔬📖

Listen to the beginning of our story in the short movie below!

Ora să ȘTIM is an international program for children aged 3 to 10, aiming to stimulate their interest into reading and other STEM (Science, Tehnology, Engineering, Mathemetics) subjects.

📚 Ora să ȘTIM is a project implemented in over 250 public libraries, mostly in rural areas, in Romania and Republic of Moldova. What is actually happening? Librarians are hosting, on a regular basis, workshops for children. During these workshops, children are engaged through illustrated books, interactive reading sessions, and STEM experiments.

👩‍🏫 We have created Ora să ȘTIM Laboratory and Facebook page as a way to disseminate these beautiful and ingenious ideas to the members of our community, be them parents and grandparents, but also educators, teachers, and professors.

It’s time to START learning while having fun!

Ora să ȘTIM is already implemented in over 250 communities all over Romania and Republic of Moldova and is part of the international Volunteer Readers initiative.

Period: October 2018 – present| Budget: 77,400 EUR | Partners: 250 public libraries across Romania and Republica of Moldova | With the support of: Moldovan National Library Association (ABRM), OvidiuRo Association, Institutul Goethe București, Bookster

Program sponsor: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

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