
Ora să ȘTIM (Time to KNOW STEM)

Categories //Projects

Ora să ȘTIM(Time to KNOW STEM) is a national initiative that aims to stimulate the interest of children in rural areas for reading and other topics in the STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). The project is implemented with the help of librarians from public libraries located in rural areas in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. They hold Time to KNOW STEM workshops on regular basis, for children aged between 3 to 10 years old. During the workshops, the children listen fascinated to interactive stories and perform small experiments in the STEM area.

The Time to KNOW STEM project is present in over 250 cities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, most of them in rural areas, and is part of Volunteer Readers international initiative.

Period: October 2018- June 2020| Budget: 77,400 EUR  | Partners: 250 public libraries in Romania and the Republic of Moldova | With the support of: The Association of librarians of the Republic of Moldova (ABRM)OvidiuRoGoethe InstituteBookster | Funder: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung | Details 

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