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The Occupy Library 2020 online conference brought together innovative ideas that are being implemented in libraries in the regions of Central, Eastern Europe, the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian regions. The first edition of the conference provided a virtual space for exchanging of best practices and supporting the best ways to involve libraries in their communities.

The main themes of the edition were: Serving communities in times of crisis; Partnerships for strong democracies; Active citizenship in analog and digital format; Emerging technological trends for community empowerment; Public spaces and community involvement.

The 95 speakers from 25 countries provided the 783 participants with examples and innovative ideas through which public libraries support the development of their communities.
More information here:

Period: 22-25 September 2020|Partners: IFLA, Goethe Institute, Next Library, Aarhus Public Libraries, Ashoka Romania, National Library of Romania, ANBPR, Eifl, FRSI, P2PU,  Public Libraries 2030, Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova User Group | Sponsors: Qulto, Solus | Budget: included in Occupy Library Innovators HUB | Details

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