“New Challenges for Public Libraries” working visit
Progress Foundation team participated at project’ partners encounter organized between the 2nd and the 6th of May in Braga, Portugal. Participating teams from Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord Ovest (Italy), Biblioteca Lucio Craveiro Da Silva (Portugal), Biblioteca Județeană „Nicolae Iorga” Ploiesti (Romania) were present too. The event consisted of teams’ presentations of primarily achieved results after Human Centered Design methodology implementation. Each presentational session had been followed by discussions, exchange of ideas and experiences, and feedbacks with practical advices.
Additionally, training sessions were held under the coordination of Marianne Krogbaek, DOK1, Camelia Căldărușa, Bicocca University și Ovidiu Ana, Progress Foundation. Progress Foundation team role had been to facilitate a “Public Speaking” training session and to contribute to “Impact” session.