
New Challenge for Public Libraries (New Lib)

Categories //Projects

Through the New Challenge for Public Libraries (New Lib) project, we aim to create a transnational community formed around active public libraries in the European countries involved, to share good practices in testing the human centered design methodology, in conceptualizing innovative services and in the active involvement of citizens / audience in their creation.

Period: May 2016 – April 2018 | Partners: Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord Ovest (Italy), Lombardy Region (Italy), University of Milan Bicocca (Italy), Lucio Craveiro Da Silva Library (Portugal), Aarhus Municipality Culture and Citizenship Service (Denmark), Library Iorga county Ploiești (Romania), Progress Foundation (Romania) | Budget: 340 266.08 EUR | Funded by the European Commission under the Creative Europe Program – Culture Sub-Program Details

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