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Notable representatives met and shared innovative ideas for the development of public libraries and local communities at the Librarians for Tomorrow event!

The two-day online conference, organized by the Progress Foundation in partnership with the Goethe Institute in Bucharest, brought together presentations of modern projects from public libraries in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as well as free debates and discussions based on the materials presented.

Bibliotecari pentru mâine 2021

Participants in the event were inspired by Dr. Hannelore Vogt, Director of the Cologne Public Library, and the “DIY and Try!” session, which captures the challenges public libraries are facing and setting creative goals to overcome them. You can watch the full material here.

Dr. Camelia Crișan, researcher at the Progress Foundation, presented the project “Learning circles” and their role in the development of communities and individuals, as well as public libraries. You can find here the presentation about Learning circles and you can discover here the presentation from the Stories with meaning about adults education session.

The guests of the event Librarians for tomorrow discussed and presented ideas of good practices in libraries, such as the session “Green Library of the Goethe Institute Bucharest – living sustainably” by Susanne Teichmann – Director of the Department of Information and Library Goethe Institute Bucharest – and other innovative ideas, presented by our guests: Dr. Mariana Harjevschi – Director of the Municipal Library “BP Hașdeu” Chișinău, Olimpia Bratu – Director at the County Library “Christian Tell” Gorj, Ovidiu Ana – Development Director Progress Foundation and Dr. Assoc. Lidia Kulikovski – Deputy Director of Research and Innovation at the Municipal Library “B.P. Hasdeu” Chișinău.

If you were unable to attend the online event, you can find the session records below.

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Download the photo archive, taken by Graphic Dealer, by clicking the button below.

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