Dolj, 30 September 2022: “CODE Kids Drone Pilot School” arrives in Brabova. Children from 5 free programming and robotics clubs run in rural libraries in the south of Romania organised a filming-event at the Izvoranu-Geblescu cula, simultaneously flying their drones to capture the historical site as well as possible. The selected children represent CODE Kids […]
Bucharest, 10.10.2022. Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization participated in a unique robotics hour in the CODE Kids club, an event that took place on October 8 at the Titu City Library. The Minister got involved in the work of one of the teams, building a project with the children: the ultrasonic sensor […]
București, 29 august: Alumnii programului CODE Kids au avut parte de un teambuilding memorabil în București și Cluj – 22 de programatori în devenire, absolvenți ai cluburilor de coding organizate de Fundația Progress în bibliotecile rurale din România au trăit pentru 2 zile o experiență intensă de învățare și au văzut ce presupune să lucrezi […]
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