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In the 2022-2023 school year, the Apprentice Electrician program remains an alternative that 8th graders can rely on, providing the benchmarks for a secure professional future. Between 4-8 July and 26-28 July 2022, 8th grade graduates can choose a specialisation in the electrical field supported by the Ucenic Electrician project in the partner counties Argeș, Dolj, Gorj, Teleorman, Mehedinți, Vâlcea, Olt.

The Apprentice Electrician programme opens its doors for the seventh consecutive year, in 7 partner counties, but also on the www.ucenicelectrician.ro platform.

The www.ucenicelectrician.ro platform is the business card of the programme, which for 6 consecutive editions has changed the future of young people who want a job and a secure future.

At the same time, the platform offers access to the entire community involved in the project: current students, mentors, NGO and energy partners and, most importantly, the partner high schools. Thus, interested young people have a direct way to get in touch with the schools in the programme for more details about enrolment by filling in a short form on the link: https://ucenicelectrician.ro/contact/

Because success stories deserve to be shared, this year the Apprentice Electrician also has a dedicated brochure, available at https://ucenicelectrician.ro/brosura-ucenic-electrician/


What the Apprentice Electrician experience looks like for young people choosing to light up the future:

Learn hands-on industry facts, discover green energy through projects you’ll work on in teams, develop your programming and automation skills by working with Arduino technology, and be rewarded with dedicated scholarships and prizes;

Learn things for personal development, to communicate better with others, to become more confident and motivated;

At the end of your 3 years of study, you will be able to practice a job that society could not function without, and the benefits and satisfaction will be commensurate: a source of income immediately after high school, working conditions, training and professional development conditions or job security.

For more details about the training opportunities offered by the Electrical Apprentice programme, please visit https://www.distributieoltenia.ro/ucenicelectrician.

People and Brand Division,

Oltenia Distribution

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