The CODE Kids – Plan the future of your community! project is developing under the umbrella of CODE Kids – Children are coding in public libraries and aims to create a coding and STEM movement in which children, young people and librarians in rural and small urban areas develop their digital skills and get involved in the life of the community they come from, by solving creative digital topics. Through the training activities and workshops organized, another window is opened to exploring the digital world, with its opportunities for development and learning, so that more than 3,500 children aged 10 to 14 years old are encouraged to be actively involved and even follow a career in technology. Public libraries in 27 counties of Romania are directly involved in its implementation, through the personnel employed and the spaces owned.
Starting with 2021, opportunities are open for the establishment of CODE Kids clubs for any citizen with a civic spirit, coming from any field, who can provide a space or is open to a collaboration with the local public library in his community.
More information here:
Period: January 2018- December 2023|Partners: Romanian-American Foundation, Etic Association, Aspen Romania Institute, public libraries in Romania | Donors: CEZ Vânzare, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre | Budget: 885,000 USD | Details