

Digital stories for happy organizations

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Creating organizational well-being using the digital storytelling methodology Since the creation of digital storytelling methodology in the labs of Berkeley University from California back in 1983, there are very few innovations brought to this process, because today we still transform ideas into mini documentary using the same 7 steps described by Joe Lambert (2013). Innovations […]


Human-Centered Service Design

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Design of organizational processes using the human-centered design methodology The objective of this workshop is to allow organizations that provide services to users or customers to sketch, adjust, design their business in a fluid and flexible way and to adapt by simple changes their operation in order to respond to the legitimate needs of our […]


Customer relationship management

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Customer relationship management Attracting and retaining our customers has always been a long and difficult process that involves high costs for any organization. One way to recover this investment is to keep a close relationship with our customers and to transform them into partners. Thus, our employees who interact with the customers have the mission […]


Employees development

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Human resources processes for employees development The right understanding of HR processes contributes to the design of coherent strategies with regard the employees in organizations and makes interventions score the expected result. One source that may contribute to the revenue generation to your organization is the way certain indexes are used, such as employee retention, […]


Leader’s Performace

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Leader’s Performace The most significant organizational psychology studies showed that the leaders are made, not born (Avolio, 2007, Bass and Rigio, 2006). Any leadership process, either it is a small team or a whole organization with a complex organizational chart, requires a set of skills that we put together under the title of leaders’ performance. […]


Developing management skills

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Developing management skills The standard management processes involve a set of skills that have to be developed by those in management positions, to the benefit of both employees and the overall organization. The Progress Foundation programs designed to develop management skills are correlated to the performance management systems in our partner organizations. Thus, our interventions […]


Team Efficiency

Categories //TrainingTypesEn

Team Efficiency Teams have always been important, but the role they play today is crucial, since organizations increasingly focus on the effective use of resources, on raising productivity and on making better decisions, faster. Developing highly performing teams (Robbins, 2013) is based on three elements that facilitate this process: Context – the organization should support […]

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