

Regina Rauw / EU Trainer / Girl empowerment

Categorii //Testimoniale

I have worked with Progress Foundation because they are an absolutely reliable partner in our international projects. Participants from Progress Foundation are very well prepared concerning the subject of our cooperation (empowerment of vulnerable groups – girls/women) as well as they are strong personalities to stand for their own position and opinion. At the same […]


Olga Napionteek / Manager Executiv / Civis Polonus, Polonia

Categorii //Testimoniale

I really admire Progress Foundation for its original, courageous and meaningful idea of bringing democracy and civic activities into libraries. Thanks to that libraries become important spaces of POLITICAL CULTURE in their local communities. We keep finger crossed for this project and we look forward to implement it in Poland!


Mike Waldron / Chief Executive Officer / Inter-Pares, UK

Categorii //Testimoniale

Progress Foundation does exactly what they say on the jar. They create a strong foundation to enable progress, whether it be the capacity of organisations to increase or the development of individuals not only to think outside the box, but to create a whole new space. I chose to work with Progress Foundation because of […]


Fundația Progress câști...

Fundația Progress câști...


Suntem extrem de fericiți să...

Fundația Progress și Fun...

Fundația Progress și Fun...


Fundația Progress și Fundaț...

Echipa de cercetare a Fund...

Echipa de cercetare a Fund...


Avem plăcerea să vă prezent...

Calea Plevnei Nr. 29, Et. 1, Ap. 3, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010221


Email: office@progressfoundation.ro

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Fundația Progress