

IT Training

Categories //AboutUsInfo2

Identified problems: large numbers of Romanian citizens (seniors) do not use the internet and find it difficult to express their identity in the digital age. Our solution: action learning and social integration through digital storytelling. Our best practices: DigiTales – Extending creative practices project; Silver Stories project.


Public accountability

Categories //AboutUsInfo2

Identified problem: lack of transparency in the work of local elected officials and local government. Our solution: creation of a measurement tool and a comparison scale for integrity in local government; formation of local groups of initiative who audited the local authorities. Our best practice: “Audit of Local Elected Leaders’ Integrity” project (Phare 2009).



Categories //AboutUsInfo2

Identified problem: Lack of neutral spaces and interaction opportunities for citizens, lack of training programs in the field of active citizenship Our solution: establishing a national network of resources (facilities, trainers, groups of action) that is open to anyone who wants to be or to become an active citizen Our best practice:  Third place for active […]

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Calea Plevnei Nr. 29, Et. 1, Ap. 3, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010221


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