

Our approach

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At the heart of our development approach are the county/local libraries as social hubs for lifelong learning and community centers that connect various social groups, especially the marginal ones.


What we do

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In its 18 years of activity, Progress Foundation has implemented and continues to implement projects (local and national) focused on strengthening the local capacity, active citizenship, digital literacy and social innovation, while helping vulnerable groups (Roma, marginalized youth, women, elderly etc.) to develop new skills and become active in their communities.


Our vision

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Our vision regarding development is that “small is beautiful” which means that activities or punctual interventions can have a great impact on people and communities. Therefore our motto is: “Small steps, giant leaps“.


Who we are

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We are an experienced Romanian NGO that pilots local initiatives in the field of education/training, (e-)inclusion and community development and then scales it up, at national level, as innovative and impactful best practices.

Latest News

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Calea Plevnei Nr. 29, Et. 1, Ap. 3, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010221


Email: office@progressfoundation.ro

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Progress Foundation