
7 towns prepared for the next step in #thirdplace

Categories //News, Projects

In the second half of November and beginning of December, the Third place for active citizenship project was officially launched in Suceava (November 26), Constanta (November 28), Cluj-Napoca (December 2), Deva (December 4) and Targu -Jiu (December 5). The circle is complete (the project has already been launched in Bucharest – July 25 – and in Brasov – October 23) but not closed. On the contrary.

Over 150 citizens who attended the project launch conferences and any other member of the community or NGO representative from in each city (Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj- Napoca, Constanta, Deva, Suceava, Targu -Jiu) will be invited to next week sign up as volunteers in the project. The call will be released Tuesday, 16 December, on and on partners’ websites.

All those interested in participating voluntarily in the project will be able to enroll by completing a form and attaching a cover letter. Registration will be done from December 16th to January 15th, while the selection will take place in January, 15 to 20.

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Calea Plevnei Nr. 29, Et. 1, Ap. 3, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010221



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